Frugal Accomplishments · Frugal February

Frugal February Week 3 Update

We survived Week Three of Frugal February…by the skin of our teeth:)

Grocery spending

Week 1: $107

Week 2: $111

Week 3: $82 (Walmart $50, Kroger $30, Aldi $2)

Grocery money left: $0 (yikes!)

Fun money: $35 left

Weekly recap

Yes, I ended up spending the rest of my grocery money for February this week, but that is okay. I delayed my first grocery trip of the month until the end of the first week, so I only had three trips planned for this month anyways. The only thing that I may need to buy should be sausage and cheese, but I luckily have $35 in my “fun” money budget that can be used if need be. **Also my mom loves to barter with me (Mama I love you!) and my wonderful mother-in-law brought a lot of delicious treats for my kids to enjoy this weekend, so hopefully they will not whine too much over the lack of “fun food”!

Frugal Confessions

I did end up spending some of my fun money this week on fast food, but after a stressful morning we felt that we had earned it. My mom also bought my daughter a shrug at the thrift store this week (which I was fully prepared to buy!) but grandmothers like to spoil their grandchildren from time to time:)

Frugal Things

Can you tell that he is a Harry Potter fan?

1. We found a Harry Potter hat at Walmart for my son for just $2 on clearance. **Bonus: He had enough money in his wallet to pay for it, so he felt proud that he bought it on his own.

2. My daughter celebrated her Confirmation in our church this week and she reminded me that she needed a shrug to keep her dress within the approved dress requirements. After searching for many weeks, we found the perfect one on the day before the event…whew. My mom was with me when we were shopping and quickly scooped it up and added it to her pile (I argued, but she won) My daughter looked beautiful:)

3. We found a beautiful prom dress at a free event hosted by a local church (Did I mention it was free?)

4. We made Frito pies with the leftover chili that I dug out of my freezer (delicious!)

5. My dad’s chickens have started laying again, so they brought over a few dozen eggs for us to enjoy.

6. We finally got our tax return!

7. I earned $30 in credit card rewards for simply using my card to buy things that I normally buy anyways.

8. We spent $15 of our fun money on a new dress and two shirts for my daughter at the thrift store this week.


How is your Frugal February going??

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